anglais » allemand

Traductions de „air corridor“ dans le dictionnaire anglais » allemand (Aller à allemand » anglais)

Exemples tirés du dictionnaire PONS (vérifiés par l'équipe de rédaction)

Exemples monolingues (non-vérifiés par l'équipe de rédaction)

If we are moving towards and "open skies" policy in which planes may no longer be required to fly rigid air corridors over oceans, a redesign is particularly pressing.
On many heavily traveled air corridors, planes will be sent along exactly the same sequence of way points at intervals of a few minutes.
So they entered a narrow air corridor with instruments not working?
With little preparation, an international force can conduct either mission by the establishment of a short-term humanitarian air corridor.
This is not the case of an innocent civilian airliner that, because of an instrument error, departs from an air corridor and gets into the airspace of another country.
Air corridors are typically imposed by military or diplomatic requirements.
During the '70s my husband rode a two-stroke motocross bike through open air corridors during exam time - detention!

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