Afghan hound dans le dictionnaire Oxford-Hachette

Traductions de Afghan hound dans le dictionnaire anglais»français

II.Afghan [GB ˈafɡan, Am ˈæfɡæn] ADJ a. Afghani

Afghan hound dans le dictionnaire PONS

Traductions de Afghan hound dans le dictionnaire anglais»français

Voir aussi : English

anglais d'Amérique

Exemples monolingues (non-vérifiés par l'équipe de rédaction)

On show day she exemplifies Afghan hound, she is dignified, aloof and most certainly displays a keen fierceness.
Banks has been showing for 45 years, gradually downsizing from aristocratic afghan hounds to whippets to maltese.
One such ancient breed is the Afghan hound.
And did we mention the afghan hounds?
Sensitivity to anesthesia is an issue the Afghan hound shares with the rest of the sighthound group, as sighthounds have relatively low levels of body fat.
It is also used to hunt boar together with tazy hounds (afghan hounds).

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