boundary dans l' Oxford Spanish Dictionary

Traductions de boundary dans le dictionnaire anglais»espagnol (Aller à espagnol»anglais)

boundary <pl boundaries> [Am ˈbaʊnd(ə)ri, GB ˈbaʊnd(ə)ri] SUBST

Autres traductions et expressions typiques avec les termes de votre recherche
redraw boundary/map
county boundary
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Traductions de boundary dans le dictionnaire espagnol»anglais (Aller à anglais»espagnol)

boundary dans le dictionnaire PONS

Traductions de boundary dans le dictionnaire anglais»espagnol (Aller à espagnol»anglais)

Traductions de boundary dans le dictionnaire espagnol»anglais (Aller à anglais»espagnol)

anglais britannique

Exemples monolingues (non-vérifiés par l'équipe de rédaction)

The invention of paper pushed its boundaries even further.
He told a joke, slightly nervous that he was crossing the boundary of taste.
The total length of the land boundaries of the region are 404km 0.
This district's boundaries and jurisdiction changed frequently and its separate existence may be said to start from 1826.
The key point to the journey is the crossing of a swollen river which marks the boundary of their lands.
The whole council was up for election with boundary changes since the last election in 1999.
Open systems are also not as sensitive to soil structure variation, or to boundary layer resistance issues at the soil surface.
Frictional drag, on the other hand, is a result of fluid viscosity in the boundary layer.
A number of tracks and trails are in use locally along the boundary.
The boundaries were further extended in 1920 and 1932, taking in areas of the mainland.

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