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Traductions de bargaining power dans le dictionnaire anglais » arabe

(Aller à arabe » anglais)

Exemples monolingues (non-vérifiés par l'équipe de rédaction)

Inequality of bargaining power is not in itself a ground for nullifying exemption clauses; nor does the principle of good faith operate as an independent criterion.
These exploiters have bargaining power.
The kernel contains all imputations where no player has this bargaining power over another.
This was to deny them additional bargaining power, during negotiations.
Such regulation seeks to redress the inequality of bargaining power between landlords and tenants in a market where there is unlimited freedom of contract.
In contrast, the practice is seen as unjust by those who view the employment relationship as characterized by inequality of bargaining power.
The goal was to stabilize industrial relations by forcing concentration of bargaining power and responsibility in the formal union leadership, using the courts.
Many studies are skeptical about fair trade, reporting that it often worsens the bargaining power of those who are not part of it.
The advantages of corporate bigness have long been understood -- size gives a company resources, bargaining power with suppliers, influence with politicians, relationships with millions of customers.
The bargaining power of the typical blue-collar worker eroded as technology and globalisation handed bosses a whole toolkit of ways to squeeze labour costs.

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