giant anteater dans le dictionnaire italien Oxford-Paravia

giant anteater dans le dictionnaire PONS

Exemples monolingues (non-vérifiés par l'équipe de rédaction)

Other relatives, such as the giant anteater, have also been proposed.
Two genera and three species are in the family, consisting of the giant anteater, and the tamanduas.
The giant anteater's coat is mostly grey and salted with white.
The giant anteater is the largest of its family, 182217cm ft in length, with weights of 3341kg lb for males and 2739kg lb for females.
As of 2011, a giant anteater resides in the former warthog enclosure.
Around 20 years ago, the giant anteater was seen for the last time by local hunters, but it is extinct today.

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