anglais » slovène

Traductions de traffic control dans le dictionnaire anglais » slovène

(Aller à slovène » anglais)

air traf·fic con·ˈtrol SUBST no plur

1. air traffic control (job):

2. air traffic control (facility):

Exemples monolingues (non-vérifiés par l'équipe de rédaction)

The concept of integrated traffic control combines or coordinates freeway and arterial street control systems to operate on the basis of corridor wide traffic conditions.
One memory bank can be assigned to air traffic control, another can be for local marine communications, and yet another for local police frequencies.
Audio recordings taken from air traffic control and from the recovered cockpit voice recorder revealed nothing unusual.
In 1973 the current semi-circular terminal was completed west of the 1962 terminal and air traffic control tower.
As the tanker sped towards the aircraft, air traffic control radioed the pilot to slow down, and the tanker immediately came to a stop.
While retaining use of the autopilot, the pilots reduced their speed to 160kn km/h at the request of air traffic control at 19:07.
Most if not all countries that have an ABM equivalent in their military also have ABMs be dual-qualified in civilian air traffic control.
However, for operational and air traffic control reasons it is necessary to stay at the cleared flight level.
A new control tower was constructed to meet the technological changes of aircraft traffic control systems.
Its purpose was to conduct research and development on air traffic control computers, transponders, and advanced radar equipment.

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