anglais » slovène

Traductions de dae dans le dictionnaire anglais » slovène

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I . dare [deəʳ] VERBE trans

III . dare [deəʳ] SUBST

I . date1 [deɪt] SUBST

2. date (on coins):

3. date (business appointment):

it's a date!

4. date (booked performance):

5. date (social, romantic appointment):

zmenek m

6. date (person):

II . date1 [deɪt] VERBE trans

1. date (have relationship):

III . date1 [deɪt] VERBE intr

1. date (have a relationship):

2. date (go back to):

I . daze [deɪz] SUBST no plur

II . daze [deɪz] VERBE trans to be dazed

dame [deɪm] SUBST

1. dame Am dated jarg (woman):

dama f

2. dame GB (title):

dama f

dad [dæd] SUBST fam

II . dab <-bb-> [dæb] VERBE intr to dab at sth

I . dam [dæm] SUBST

II . dam <-mm-> [dæm] VERBE trans

day [deɪ] SUBST

dan m
v časih pred ...
in the days when ...
v času, ko ...
in the days of ...
v času ...
any day [now]

Dane [deɪn] SUBST

Danec(Danka) m (f)

data [ˈdeɪtə] SUBST

data plur + sing/plur vb:

podatki m plur

daft [dɑ:ft] ADJ fam

I . damp [dæmp] ADJ

II . damp [dæmp] SUBST no plur GB Aus

III . damp [dæmp] VERBE trans

I . dawn [dɔ:n] SUBST

1. dawn no plur (daybreak):

zora f

2. dawn fig:

II . dawn [dɔ:n] VERBE intr

1. dawn (start):

2. dawn (become apparent):

dais [ˈdeɪɪs] SUBST

I . damn [dæm] INTERJ jarg damn [it]!

II . damn [dæm] ADJ jarg

1. damn (cursed):

III . damn [dæm] VERBE trans

1. damn jarg (curse):

2. damn (condemn):

IV . damn [dæm] ADV fam!

V . damn [dæm] SUBST no plur fam!

dank [dæŋk] ADJ

I . darn1 [dɑ:n] VERBE trans

II . darn1 [dɑ:n] SUBST

I . dart [dɑ:t] SUBST

1. dart (weapon):

2. dart SPORT + sing vb:

pikado m

3. dart usu sing (dash):

skok m

II . dart [dɑ:t] VERBE intr

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